Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's a Scary World

Hi Kelly,
Yeah, I wasn’t thinking about post-9/11 fears of flying or travel. I was thinking about something deeper, as you suggest – a “real issue.” I think it has to do with motherhood, and I think this is what you’re writing about, at least this is how it seems so far, as of about 90 pages into the book. Once you have children, a) you’re more confined to the home, at least for a period when they’re young and b) you have ever so much more to risk, to lose, and so you become more fearful of all the scary things the world holds. I think that’s what’s happened to Claire. If it’s just you jaunting around the world, that’s one thing, but if you’ve got kids, you gotta pull back because you’ve gotta protect the kids and you can’t take as many chances with yourself because those kids need a mother to watch out for them.

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